Alcohol, Acetaldehyde and Hangover
It is chemically similar to formaldehyde which is used in insulating foams, plywood, particle board and embalming fluid. Acetaldehyde is 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself and is a known carcinogen.
It is a little known fact that it is acetaldehyde which is the root cause of a hangover. A hangover is often just the noticeable and obvious tip of the iceberg. Acetaldehyde is also largely responsible for liver damage, cell and tissue damage and has carcinogenic properties which have been shown to alter DNA. In fact acetaldehyde is linked to almost every known alcohol related health problem.
The liver can only metabolize on average, one standard drink per hour, regardless of the amount that has been consumed. As alcohol is metabolized more slowly than it is absorbed, the liver can be easily overwhelmed for this reason. The corresponding increasing levels of unmetabolized acetaldehyde has the potential to cause widespread damage throughout the body, especially the liver where the bulk of the bulk of alcohol metabolism takes place. It is known that smaller amounts of acetaldehyde are also processed in the brain and the pancreas.
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Researchers in Finland and the UK have shown the link between acetaldehyde and oral cancer. Acetaldehyde binds with proteins and forms DNA adducts effectively putting one on the road to cancer.
A 4 year research project drawing from the fields of biochemistry, hepatology and nutrition has resulted in a new patent pending product called Alcotox. Alcotox contains all 3 Glutathione precursor combined with a patented anti-oxidant formulation paired with synergistic B vitamins to effectively scavenge acetaldehyde. This is the first of its kind to effectively neutralise acetaldehyde and bind to it before it gets a chance to accumulate and cause widespread damage. By reducing acetaldehyde one is able to effectively prevent a hangover from happening in the first, instead of curing one afterwards, as by which time most of the damage has likely already taken place.
The product is currently undergoing clinical trials at several UK based research institutions for its impact on toxicology on human liver cell lines and also its efficacy as a possible chemo-preventative agent to prevent different forms of alcohol induced cancers..
To find out more about how to avoid hangovers and reduce the toxic load on the body while drinking alcohol visit