Top Tips To Help Cure & Prevent Hangovers Caused By Alcohol You wake up in the morning with a headache and stomach ache and the mojo to leave the bed and go out is not there! To put it [...]
The government’s alcohol strategy is too concerned with public order rather than the impact on health of alcohol misuse, which is “more insidious and pervasive,” MPs warn today. The annual [...]
Bottles of beer, wine and spirits should carry cigarette-style graphic health warnings to make clear that alcohol is linked to cancer, infertility and violence, doctors are urging. The UK Faculty [...]
Alcotox – Product Info Alcotox Product Info Alcotox is an alcohol detox system which neutralises the toxins produced by alcohol, in real time, even while drinking. It [...]
Alcotox is a unique, patent pending hangover remedy which, based on years of scientific research, actually prevents a hangover from happening in the first place instead of curing one afterwards. [...]
The liver converts alcohol into its first metabolite called Acetaldehyde which is extremely toxic. In fact, Acetaldehyde is approximately 30 times more toxic than alcohol itself. It is a [...]